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<h3 id="item-description__-plugin-description">
<strong>WP Video Robot</strong> is the ultimate WordPress solution for creating automated and standalone video<br /> websites. It is a complete and yet easy premium WordPress plugin with an automated schedule import system,<br /> that makes sure your site stays fresh and up to date with the latest and most popular videos.
<strong>WP Video Robot</strong> supports several video services.<br /> Just to name a few: Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, Youku, Facebook, TED, Canal+.
One plugin. Infinite possibilities !
<a rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank" href="https://wpvideorobot.com">More Information</a>
<h3 id="item-description__-plugin-features">
<strong>UNLIMITED SOURCES : </strong> WP Video Robot is completely flexible and allows you to import videos<br /> from an unlimited number of sources.
<strong>DETAILED LOGS : </strong> WP Video Robot keeps a detailed log of all scheduled or manual fetching<br /> and importing actions. You can review what the plugin did later on.
<strong>TESTING VIDEOS : </strong> WP Video Robot has a user friendly interface for testing sources and<br /> choosing the videos you want to add.
<strong>AUTOMATIC UPDATES : </strong> WP Video is constantly updated and we make sure it always works with<br /> the latest version of WordPress. Also we regularly add new features.
<strong>VIDEO THUMBNAIL : </strong> Save all remote thumbnails images to your own server automatically to<br /> improve SEO. WP Video Robot sets the thumbnail as a featured image so you can use it in your WordPress theme<br /> as well.
<strong>FULL CONTROL : </strong> You decide how many videos you want, the new post status, in which category<br /> WP Video Robot should post and with which author account. There is a setting for everything!
<strong>VIDEO CURATION : </strong> WP Video Robot supports draft posting, it allows you to moderate and<br /> manual review the imported videos before publishing them.
<strong>NO DUPLICATE VIDEOS : </strong> The “Skip Duplicates” option prevents WP Video Robot from importing<br /> duplicate videos.
<strong>MANUAL IMPORT : </strong> You can manually import a single video by entering its unique youtube ID.<br /> You can then choose to import all the video metadata or only a part of it.
<strong>HIGH PERFORMANCES : </strong> WP Video Robot is built to handle multiple source and thousands of<br /> imports without decreasing the site performances.
<strong>AUTO CLEAN MODE : </strong> WP Video Robot auto detects invalid and deleted videos and automatically<br /> changes their status from published to invalid. Your site stays always clean.
<strong>AUTOMATIC TAGGING : </strong> For each created video WP Video Robot adds the related Youtube tags to<br /> your WordPress site. It helps your video to get higher ranking on search engines.
<strong>IMPORTING & EXPORTING : </strong> Want to backup or migrate your videos? WP Video Robot makes it<br /> easy for you to import / export thousands of videos.
<strong>RANDOMIZATION : </strong> Many different randomization features in WP Video Robot make sure that<br /> your site will look natural with diverse content and no unusual patterns that could be detected by search<br /> engines.
<strong>COMPLETELY LEGAL : </strong> All video imported are legal to be used and published on your site. WP<br /> Video Robot uses official Youtube API to fetch and import data.
<strong>INTERNATIONAL : </strong> The WP Video Robot plugin has been translated into English and French. It<br /> is translation ready with RTL support. All language files are included with the plugin. They are<br /> automatically used when you install WP Video Robot on a WordPress site in one of the languages.
<strong>NO CODING NEEDED : </strong> WP Video Robot auto-includes seamlessly imported videos in any query on<br /> your site with no need for coding.
<strong>COMPLETE INTEGRATION : </strong> WPVR is compatible with all WordPress themes. Actually, it creates<br /> the video for you, and then your theme defines how it looks on your site.
<strong>SHORTCODE : </strong> If you want to manually add an imported video into a post, simply use the<br /> plugin shortcode [wpvr id=XXX].
<h3 id="item-description__-plugin-requirements">
WordPress 3.6+
PHP 5.5+
cUrl 7.40+ extension using https is required
We have tested it with Mac, Windows and Linux.<br /> We tested rendering on Chrome, Firefox and Safari.
<h3 id="item-description__-changelog">
——————————- v1.12.1 ( January 10th, 2021) —————————–
- Full re-design of the manual import for a better user experience.
- More manual import options for better flexibility.
- Added more flexibility by managing the imported videos permalinks through WordPress permalinks.
- Corrected full video description issue on Youtube video import.
- Corrected comments importer bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected authors importer bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected permalinks Conflicts with other custom taxonomies and other custom post types.
- Corrected scheduler bug when auto-running sources.
- Corrected the tag issue when doing a manual import.
——————————- v1.11.1 ( December 18th, 2020) —————————–
- Corrected license activation issues.
- Corrected license cancellation issues.
——————————- v1.11.0 ( December 16th, 2020) —————————–
- Added support for WordPress 5.6 (jQuery errors).
- Added support for the VidoRev new update.
- Added support for the VideoPro new update.
- Added support for the Comments Importer new features.
- Corrected manual import issues when using Classic Editor.
- Added support for new “Licenses and Updates” server with better security and…