Display User Roles selection drop down at registration page to let your user select which role suits best for them. Admin can define which user roles should be displayed in the dropdown select.
Main Features Included in Choose User Roles Plugin
- Show User Roles DropDown Select On Registration
- Select Which Users Roles to Be Displayed For Selection
- Customize Text for User Roles Drop Down
- Works with Both WordPress & WooCommerce
- Option to auto approve User Roles or manually approve after user registers. (New)
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WooCommerce User Roles Selection Dropdown
This plugin will display an attractive dropdown on user registration form to let customer select the user role they want to enrole. The admin can display a custom message to let user know if the user role will be assigned after approval
Option To Manual or Auto Approve User Role Requests
You can put specific or All User roles on manual approval. If the manual approval is enabled the new user will be treated as general customers until store admin approves his/her user role request. In “All users” section you will see a new column where the “User Role Requests” will be displayed.
Option To Display User Role Dropdown in “My Account”
WooCommerce Select User Roles Plugin allows merchants to display user roles selection dropdown in “My Account” section. The merchant can also choose not to display user role in my account so that user cannot change the role once it is assigned / approved by admin.
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Change Log
2023-01-09 - version 1.1.2 * Fixed Security Vulnerabilities. 2022-09-08 - version 1.1.1 * Compatibility updated for the latest versions of WooCommerce and WordPress. 2020-08-18 - version 1.1.0 * Show pending and decline messages on my account page. * Added option to send pending and declined emails to users. * Option to add admin/shop manager email address to receive user role request email. * Support for user data variables to use inside email text. * Option to enable/disable admin and user emails. * Option to customize email colors etc from WooCommerce email settings. * Customizable subject and heading for emails.
2019-10-10 - version 1.0.3 * Feature added - Ability to select user roles on which admin wants to enable manual approval. * Feature added - Email is sent to admin that the user role is pending approval.
2019-01-31 - version 1.0.2 * Feature added - Allow users to update roles in My Account section frontend. * Feature added - Admin can enable or disable the option to update role in My Account section frontend.
2018-07-20 - version 1.0.1 * Feature added - Enable/Disable of automatic user role approval. When automatic approval is Disabled then default role is assigned to the user until the administrator approves the request.
2018-05-31 - version 1.0.0 * Initial release of the plugin.