Missing shortcodes for Woocommerce in Visual Composer?
No problem, this is a simple plugin which purpose is to add just that.
Change log
Update: 07.07.2017 – v1.7.2
- added compatibility for visual composer 5.2.0
Update: 14.10.2014 – v1.7
- change plugin action to wp_loaded
Update: 22.09.2014 – v1.6
- added option menu_order to orderby parameter in shortcodes
Update: 18.09.2014 – v1.5
- change icon for visual composer
Update: 01.08.2014 – v1.4
- fixed icons for new version of visual composer 4.3
Update: 23.06.2014 – v1.3
- changed folder structure
Update: 31.05.2014 – v1.2
- fixed: global variable issue
Update: 01.05.2014 – v1.1
- changed: the shortcodes naming - changed: shortcode options (added select fields instead of text fields) - added: FAQ question on the documentation