The Ultimate WooCommerce Compare Products Plugin

Looking for a fresh new way to compare products inside your WooCommerce shop? Then stop searching and get our Better Compare plugin now. Create comparison tables with ease, choose the data you want your users can compare with and help your customers to find the differences between products.

Choose if you want to use our compare bar, only the sidebar or both. Use shortcodes to create SEO friendly Compare Tables on your site and more.


Compare Plugin Features


  • Tested with WordPress 3.8+
  • Tested with WooCommerce 3.0+
  • Tested with WPML


  • WooCommerce 3.0+
  • WordPress 4.4+
  • PHP 5.6+


- NEW:    Added shortcode
- NEW:    Added flatsome_product_box_after hook
- FIX:    SPinner & Text not working on single product pages
- FIX:    PHP Notice
- FIX:    Loading spinner not showed in shortcode
- FIX:    UL / LI elements caused items not equal height
- FIX:    Renamed excerpt to short description
- FIX:    PHP 8 notice
- FIX:    Switched odd / even bg colors in inital settings

- NEW:    Checkbox Add to Compare Style

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====== 1.6.0 ====== - NEW: Share, Edit, Delete and Modify the Products of Existing saved Comparisons
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- NEW: Increased custom taxonomies & post metas to 10 and move them into an own section:
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- NEW: Hide the compare bar until a product has been added
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- NEW: Option to disable the load of Font Awesome 5 (see advanced settings) - FIX: Updated Translations - FIX: Added missing WPML keys for add & remove from compare - FIX: PHP Notice ====== 1.5.9 ====== - NEW: Save comparisons in Woo my Account
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- NEW: Share comparisons in social media
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- NEW: Exlcude / include product categories or products created by specific users (e.g. vendors)
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- NEW: URL compare overrides cookies now (URL parameter ?compare is treated BEFORE cookie) - FIX: Upgraded Font awesome to latest version and included in plugin now (no CDN) ====== 1.5.8 ====== - NEW: Performance Option under advanced settings - NEW: Added enhanced WPML - FIX: Single compare excerpt ul elements hidden ====== 1.5.7 ====== - NEW: Improved product search (searching with or without hypens + tag search) - NEW: Added two new text option fields for add / remove to compare button - FIX: removed admin bar - FIX: Changed default button position ====== 1.5.6 ====== - NEW: Styling section
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- FIX: Styles did not work - FIX: Empty attribute groups showed in compare ====== 1.5.5 ====== - NEW: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework Read more here: This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
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====== 1.5.4 ====== - NEW: Added categories + tags to compare data
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====== 1.5.3 ====== - NEW: Turn off URL state replace (adding query parameters to URL) See Advanced Settings - NEW: Show compare bar only on product / category pages
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====== 1.5.2 ====== - NEW: Yoast Primary category restriction option to turn if off
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====== 1.5.1 ====== - NEW: Compare bar 2nd Layout with button right
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- NEW: Option to hide placeholder images in compare bar ====== 1.5.0 ====== - NEW: Autocomplete now possible in Compare Table Live Demo: Type in "iphone" into example Setup: - NEW: Autocomplete shortcode now returns a selectable list - NEW: Add autocomplete into the table to compare products more easily - NEW: Always show all columns option
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- NEW: Single Product Page Button can now link to a URL
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====== 1.4.3 ====== - FIX: Not available text not shown for attributes that were fetched automatically from groups - FIX: Removed non existing attributes in dynamic shortcode for automatic attributes ====== 1.4.2 ====== - NEW: Option to reset counts after each attribute group - FIX: " sign after each product title ====== 1.4.1 ====== - NEW: Accordion now also works when attr name not in first column - FIX: Accordion icons switched ====== 1.4.0 ====== - NEW: Group attributes accordion compatibility (only shortcode) - NEW: Automatically get attribute group attributes (shortcode & live compare) - NEW: Moved data to compare single product to "data to compare" section in backend - NEW: Added support for attribute group product categories - NEW: Set max products per mobile (before only desktop) - NEW: Category restriction (only allow comparison inside same categories) ====== 1.3.11 ====== - NEW: Single product page compared products are taken from YOAST primary category or if empty only from last category assigned - FIX: Updated docs ====== 1.3.10 ====== - FIX: Single product page image tag displayed ====== 1.3.9 ====== - NEW: Added new filter for get product data apply_filters( 'woocommerce_better_compare_single_product_data', $data, $product, $key ); ====== 1.3.8 ====== - FIX: Added a tax exists check ====== 1.3.7 ====== - FIX: Use return instead of echo for...