
  1. Quick and easy installation.
  2. Multiple quantity range price set in simple & variation product.
  3. Multiple quantity range price set in category & tag term.
  4. User role set in quantity range.
  5. Three type price you can set in product.
    1. Percentage discount
    2. Price discount
    3. Selling price
  6. Two type quantity range you can set in product price.
    1. Between quantity range set price ( 10 – 15 )
    2. Minimum quantity or range set price ( 50 or more )
  7. Full plugin enable / disable facility option.
  8. Product wise enable / disable facility option.
  9. Front-end show quantity range price list on product detail page.
  10. Set front-end quantity price style options.

New Features:

  1. Multiple quantity range price set in category & tag term.
  2. User role set in quantity range.

Demo Product:

Simple Product
| Variation Product | Product Category | Product Tag

Quantity Range Price Option

Simple Product

Simple Product Front-end Side

Variation Product

Variation Product Front-end Side

Category And Tag Term Quantity Range

Quantity Range Product Price Option Settingn

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