Add WaitList by createIT to any of your WooCommerce products to keep in touch with customers.


  • Supporting all WooCommerce types products
  • Full customization of waitlisted products
  • Notifications of waitlist subscriber purchases
  • Prioritized Restocking of most waitlisted products
  • Waitlist export to CSV files
  • Full control of data sent to customers
  • Notifications sent to selected subscribers
  • Full customization of notifications e-mails
  • Default WooCommerce email template support
  • Automatic and non-automatic back-on-stock alerts
  • Queueing system for full control of sending emails
  • Subscriptions available for both guest users
  • dedicated support team


3.0 (28.04.2022)
- feature: GDPR checkbox added to subscription form;
- bugfix: "Call to a member function" error fixed;
- update: minor code optimizations;

2.9 (02.06.2021)
- update: Plugin is compatible with WooCommerce in version 5.x.x
- feature: Waitlist 'Estimated re-stock date' feature is working for variable product
- bugfix: fixed html escaping issue

2.8 (30.11.2020)
- Compatible with WooCommerce v. 4.7.1

2.7 (30.04.2020)
- bugfix:  Fixed issue with the WooCommers' Bulk Action option

2.6 (03.06.2019)
- bugfix: currency position fix

2.5 (14.03.2018)
- feature: New option allow waitlist button to show for products that are unavailable.

- bugfix: Plugin version issue fixed.
- bugfix: Missing data in the Subscription list fixed.
- bugfix: Available shortcodes to use in emails are now showing in the message correctly.
- bugfix: Fixed issue with subscription not updating on variation save
- bugfix: Fixed issue with auto-queuing of subscriptions (they should move to queue only after the product is back in stock)
- bugfix: Fixed wrong subscription product variation IDs 
- bugfix: Postpone sending emails option couldn't be checked in product options.

2.4 (02.01.2018)
- bugfix: Product back to stock mails are not working correctly.
- bugfix: POT file added.
- bugfix: wp_mail related fixes.

2.3 (05.12.2017)
- update: Plugin is compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.5
- update: Plugin is compatible with WordPress 4.9.1

- bugfix: 'Postponing emails' option in product edit page is working again
- bugfix: Custom "From" data option is working again

2.2 (22.06.2017)
feature: Avaliable to  add full catalog image size of product in the email body

2.1 (10.05.2017)
- bugfix:  Incorrect email
- bugfix: Waitlist stock info missing
- bugfix: Plugin not working correctly for Variable products
- bugfix: Currency won't change position despite WooCommerce settings
- feature: Show subscribers count option
- feature: Show count even if no one subscribed

2.0 (13.03.2017)
- bugfix: Waitlist stock info missing
- bugfix: Plugin not working correctly with Variables products

1.9 (23.02.2017)
bugfix: duplicate waitlist information on product page

1.8 (18.11.2016)
- bugfix: Postpone sending option issue.
- bugfix: Out of stock not working for many types of variations

1.7 (16.02.2016)
- bugfix: E-mail template style

1.6 (25.01.2016)
- bugfix: Mail isn't looking like on the preview
- bugfix: Preview WooCommerce email template isn't showing up

1.5 (08.06.2015)
- bugfix: Minor fixes;

1.4 (18.05.2015)
Bugfix: Issue with Package

1.3 (24.04.2015)
Bugfix: XSS vulnerability update

1.2 (25.02.2015)
- feature: Disable Waitlist for products groups
- bugfix: Installation package
- bugfix: Increased compatibility with WooCommerce themes, e.g. Retailer

1.1 (13.04.2015)
- feature: Product thumbnails are now displayed on Waitlist subscribed items on my-account page

1.0 (25.02.2015)
- initial release