Universal Video Player supports YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted videos and is a top-notch responsive HTML5 plugin compatible with all major browsers and mobile devices.
It plays .MP4 video files and .WEBM (on browsers which don’t have MP4 support).


IF YOU NEED ONLY THE JQUERY PLUGIN FOR THIS PRODUCT , YOU CAN DOWNLOAD IT FROM HERE : http://codecanyon.net/item/universal-video-player-youtubevimeoselfhosted/8949390


Step 1: Installation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAFJMLyKvvs
Step 2: Create a new player and manage the player settings – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwNqOK0UCFE
Step 3: Manage the playlist and categories – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49Uo9JGm1wk
NEW: Automatically Obtain Thumbnail, Title and Description From YouTube Server – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_NRQJ-uiKI


YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted support
It plays YouTube, Vimeo and Self-Hosted video files. For YouTube and Vimeo, all you need to use is the video ID. The videos need to be public, not private or unlisted.
Responsive Design
The plugin can be used in websites which are responsive. Optional parameter to disable responsive behavior in order to integrate it in non-responsive websites.
Mobile Compatible
It is compatible with IOS and Android operating systems.
Google Analytics
Option to activate Google Analytics tracking. You’ll be able to see how many times each video was played.
Customizable Color Scheme
Any color scheme possible, customizable from parameters, so you can integrate this audio player in any design.
Option To Automatically Obtain the Video Thumbnail, Title and Description From YouTube Servers
All you need to use is the YouTube video ID and the plugin will get these information from YouTube server. Parameters to use your own information.
Because Google has imposed data quota restrictions for YouTube API keys you’ll have to generate your own YouTube API key (which is free) and replace the existing YouTube API key.
Playlist With 3 Versions
You can show the playlist thumb, title & description or hide one of them. Also parameters for playlist size and color.
Playlist Search
You have the option to search the playlist. The results will be displayed as you type the search term.
The playlist items can be structured in categories. A video can belong to multiple categories.
Two Skins
You can choose from the 2 skins available: back & white. Also, from parameters you can create any color scheme, having the possibility to integrate it in any design.
Download Option
Available button (on desktop) to download the current playing file (only for self-hosted videos). You have the option to hide the download button.
You can share your video player on Facebook and Twitter. Parameters to customize the share title and description.
Show/Hide Playlist
Button to show or hide the playlist. Also option to load the player with the playlist hidden.
Option to shuffle the playlist.
You can define a logo in the top & left corner. Also, option to set the link and target_self or _blank.
Multiple Parameters
Autoplay, loop (entire playlist), colors, dimensions etc. Over 85 parameters from where you can customize the player.
The JS file has around 55KB
Free Updates
Once you’ve bought the product, you can download for free, from your account, all the updated versions.

Note for IOS/Android (restrictions imposed by Apple/Google) and other browsers:
– it autoplays on IOS/Android only if the video is muted. When you set autoPlayOnMobile:true, the video will mute automatically for mobile devices.
– volume controls will not work on IOS/Android. You’ll have to adjust the volume with physical buttons of the mobile device.

Note for Safari, Chrome & Firefox (restrictions imposed by Apple & Google):
– Starting with Safari 11, Firefox 66 and Chrome 66 the autoplay will not work because Apple & Google disabled autoplay feature and it can’t be controlled from JS. It autoplays only if the video is muted
– Starting with the version 66 of Firefox, autoplay was blocked, You can revert to the old behavior from browser settings, when autoplay was allowed.



Keywords: self hosted, vimeo, search, wordpress, media, html5, plugin, mobile, player, playlist, responsive, video, video player, youtube, categories

If you need additional information don’t hesitate to contact us at office@lambertgroup.ro. We’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible.



***Version 3.8.1 Release Date: February 01, 2022
- updates for 2022

***Version 3.8 Release Date: November 19, 2021 
- replaced PHP SESSIONS with COOKIES

***Version 3.7.3 Release Date: September 10, 2021
- code improvements for loading the next YouTube/Vimeo video on mobile devices
- css fix

***Version 3.7.2 Release Date: August 14, 2021
- code improvements

***Version 3.7.1 Release Date: June 02, 2021
- new API function added to change the category by clicking a button on the page

***Version 3.7 Release Date: May 04, 2021
- code improvements

***Version 3.6.0 Release Date: March 24, 2021
- updated the plugin to respect the latest Envato WordPress Plugin Requirements    

***Version 3.5.0 Release Date: March 05, 2021
- mobile autoplay improvements

***Version 3.4.0 Release Date: January 30, 2021
- it will have bottom playlist when the mobile device is hold in portrait mode for easy readable text

***Version 3.3.5 Release Date: December 16, 2020
- code improvements

***Version 3.3.4 Release Date: September 23, 2020
- sessions improvements 

***Version 3.3.3 Release Date: September 01, 2020
- session_start with 'read_and_close'

***Version 3.3.2 Release Date: August 06, 2020
- Google Analytics Tracking improvement
- notice fix for 'videos_initial_ord' optional parameter

***Version 3.3.1 Release Date: July 03, 2020
- removed error suppression

***Version 3.3.0 Release Date: May 17, 2020