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<h1 id="item-description__uber-zoom-for-wordpress">
Uber Zoom for WordPress
<h2 id="item-description__next-gen-smooth-zoom-amp-pan-for-your-photos-and-images">
Next-gen smooth zoom & pan<br /> for your photos and images
<h3 id="item-description__smooth-amp-natural-animations">
Smooth & Natural<br /> Animations
Uber Zoom uses many features that you would normally find in a native iOS or Android app to improve the user experience, like rubberbanding and intertia.
<h3 id="item-description__fullscreen-mode">
Fullscreen Mode
You can enable fullscreen support to give your users a truly immersive experience when viewing your high resolution photos and images. Works on desktop and mobile!
<h3 id="item-description__mobile-ready">
Mobile Ready
Uber Zoom fully supports mobile devices. With features like double-tap to zoom, rubberbanding and inertia, it feels almost like a native app! Uber Zoom is also responsive!
<h3 id="item-description__thumbnail-navigator">
Thumbnail Navigator
If you need to have a small preview of your image in the bottom left corner, you can enable that. The user will see a small window to navigate your image by dragging.
<h2 id="item-description__change-log">
Change Log
<h3 id="item-description__1-0-4-april-10-2015">
1.0.4 – April 10, 2015
Scrolling the page is no longer prevented if the image can’t be zoomed in or out any further.
<h3 id="item-description__1-1-0-february-9-2015">
1.1.0 – February 9, 2015
Fixed a bug where the image would not load correctly when specifying doctype.
Added an option “startInFullscreen”
Added an option “rubberband”