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          This add-on is also available in the NEX-Forms Add-on Bundle



PayPal – An add-on for NEX-Forms – The Ultimate WordPress Form Builder


ADD-ON Features

Now you can build forms and easily receive payments via PayPal.


  • Multiple items (unlimited)
  • Field Mapping for item quantity
  • Field Mapping for item amounts
  • Overall PayPal setup
  • Currency selection
  • Language selection
  • Sandbox and Live environment selection
  • PayPal response stored to database.
  • Sort items with drag and drop


NEX-Forms Features


Change log

NEX Forms v7.5.12

ENHANCED: Drag and drop grid system. Now even more responsive and easier to use!
ENHANCED: Backend styling an usability. Basically refined the styling on some sections.
ADDED: Multi-step breadcrumb styling section.
FIXED: Multi-step alignment issue when re-calling in the backend
FIXED: Multi-step color issue when re-calling in the backend for dotted counter top text.
FIXED: Multi-step re-call issue for percentage bar.
FIXED: Print option for submissions in the NEX-Forms Dashboard
FIXED: Image Uploader Validation Issues

NEX Forms v7.5.11

NEW: New Percentage Progress Bar for Multi-Steps
NEW: Auto Advance to next step on single selection fields like radio buttons enabling quick forms for Multi-Steps
FIXED: Styling issues from various theme interference

NEX Forms v7.5.10

NEW: Use field data tags in your submission redirects as URL parameters.
UPDATED: Disabled double click on next and previous buttons.
FIX: Various 3rd party styling interference as reported.
FIX: Various 3rd party JavaScript interference as reported.

NEX Forms v7.5.9

UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - ENGINE MYISAM (resolves large forms saving issues)
UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - CHARACTER SET utf8mb4  (resolves large forms saving issues)
UPDATED: NEX-Forms DB table - COLLATION utf8mb4_unicode_ci  (resolves large forms saving issues)
FIXED: File uploader validation error messages
FIXED: Form Import 403 issue
FIXED: Various styling interference as reported
NEW: 18 NEW Built-in Templates

NEX Forms v7.5.8

FIXED: Fontawesome 5 missing icons
FIXED: Save Form Progress default field value conflict
ADDED: Using URL parameters to populate hidden fields and use in conditional logic
ADDED: Using hidden fields in conditional logic

NEX Forms v7.5.7

FIXED: File import Issue on some server configurations.
FIXED: Some Reported CSS Issues

NEX Forms v7.5.6

FIXED: Grid option hidden in backend.
FIXED: Some Reported bugs
FIXED: Font Awesome 5 icons not showing.
NEW: Extra Save Form Progress Settings
NEW: Use conditional logic to Skip to step, show/hide Entire Steps  

NEX Forms v7.5.5.1

FIXED: Field Data Tags button on TinyMCE Editor

NEX Forms v7.5.5

ENHANCED: Overall Back-end Usability
ENHANCED: Code Optimization on entire Back-end to increase speed and performance
ENHANCED: Front End output usability and styling
ADDED: Auto save form progress
ADDED: Super Selection Form Field Add-on Compatibility
ADDED: WPML Compatibility
FIXED: TinyMCE -> WP5.x -> Forms not saving issue
FIXED: Thumb Selection Styling Issue 

NEX Forms v7.5.4

ADDED: 800+ New Font Awesome Icons. There are now 1500+ Icons to use in Fields and forms.
ADDED: New Icon Select Field compatibility
ENHANCED: Overall performance optimization
ENHANCED: Redesigned dashboard for better usability and control
ENHANCED: Reporting Section
REFINED: Overall front-end look and feel of forms
REFINED: Field Validation
FIXED: Multi-step height  issue
ENHANCED: Various field settings

NEX Forms v7.5.3

NEW: Interactive Tutorials! Building a Contact form, Using Conditional Logic, Using Math Logic, Creating Multi-step forms
NEW: Admin Tours: Every aspect of the admin side is now covered with tours to help you know exactly where and how to make use of the entire package.
NEW: Google analytics tracking for form submissions.
ENHANCED: Back-end builder overall usability, look and feel to a much more solid experience.
FIXED: Various reported styling compatibility with 3rd party plugins.

NEX Forms v7.5.2

FIXED: Some styling issues.
FIXED: Column layout for multiple checkboxes and radio buttons.
ADDED: File upload Settings for the server.
ADDED: File attachment Settings for emails.
ADDED: New Multi-step Settings.
ADDED: Extra security on form field validation.

NEX Forms v7.5.1

FIXED: More WP 5.x issues like plugin registration.
FIXED: Double image tags when using thumbnail fields
FIXED: Field Data tags in On-screen success messages
FIXED: Multi file uploader issues
FIXED: Plugin WP user rights

NEX Forms v7.5

FIXED: WP 5.0  tinyMCE Compatibility issue

NEX Forms v7.4.1

NEW: Re-register license option. You can now re-register a license on any site without having to ask support to free up your license!
FIXED: Conditional Logic checkboxes issue
ENHANCED: Overall Multi-steps look and feel.
FIXED: Some styling issues

NEX Forms v7.4

ADDED: Automatic updates via WordPress Plugins Page. After this update, you can simply update from your WordPress plugins in the future. No need to go to Codecanyon Downloads making updating the plugin a breeze!

NEX Forms v7.3

FIXED: Digital Signature issue
ENHANCED: Live field validation styling and overall usability
ENHANCED: Onscreen Success message styling
ENHANCED: Sticky Forms styling
ENHANCED: Popup Forms styling
ENHANCED: Thumb/Image Selection Styling and usability
ENHANCED: Overall Form design to a more modern look and feel
ENHANCED: Optimized Conditional Logic
ADDED: Compatibility for the NEW Short-code Processor Add-on

NEX Forms v7.2.3

FIXED: Chrome auto-fill for chrome version 65+
FIXED: Digital signatures in chrome
FIXED: Popup overlays
ADDED: Popups from any custom trigger. Just provide an element class name to make it a popup trigger.
ADDED: Show logged in WP User details in fields. Add the following to field values: ...