Give your visitors a chance to know their future with a funny plugin.
Choose between the Magic 8 Ball, the Cards, or the ancient Mouth of Truth and customize your answers
- Unlimited custom answers (20 default provided)
- 3 styles
- Gutenberg Block
- Widget ready
- Gutenberg block
- Responsive
- Shake device (iOS 4.2+)
- High Resolution PSD Included
Do you like Magic Answers? Take a look at MagiCards, with more options and unlimited decks of cards!
= 2.3 = * Update: "use strict" js * Update: CSS shake * Update: removed unsupported shake device option * Update: load minified version * Fix: css z-index = 2.2 = * Update: Support for Jetpack Lazy images (Disable lazy load) * Update: Support for WP Rocket plugin (Disable lazy load) * Update: Support for Smush plugin (Disable lazy load) * Update: Support for Lazy Loader plugin (Disable lazy load) * Update: Support for LiteSpeed Cache Loader plugin (Disable lazy load) = 2.1 = * Fix: double quotes inside answers = 2.0 = * Update: transform old magicanswers shortcodes to new gutenberg blocks * Update: support Layers wp and fix widget editor = 1.9 = * New: Gutenberg Block = 1.8 = * New: Refresh widget without reloading page * Update: .svg icon for editor button * Update: PHP 7.2 support * Code optimization = 1.7 = * Update: new css flex option to center answers, smaller text = 1.6 = * Update: css fix for FireFox on card perspective = 1.5 = * Update: Deprecated methods with php 7 replacement = 1.4 = * Update: deprecated methods since WP 4.3.0 replacement = 1.3 = * New: unlimited custom cards * Update: 4 new default cards provided * Fix: shake device = 1.2 = * New: unlimited answers * Update: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7,8,9 support added * Update: code improvements