
WP Headers and Footers plugin helps you to insert code to your WordPress website headers and footers section like Google Analytics tracking code, Facebook Pixels code, Google Optimize code for A/B testing, Custom CSS code, and more. You don’t need to edit the theme files to insert the code.
The simple interface of this plugin allows you to add code and different scripts from one place to your WordPress website (Headers, Footers, and Body section).

  • Insert code to your WordPress headers & Footers
  • Insert Google Analytics Code to any WordPress theme
  • Insert Facebook Pixels Code
  • Add Google Optimize Code for A/B testing ( Ab Testing )
  • Add Google search console authentication code to any theme for verification
  • Add Custom CSS, any script, and HTML to your website
    Google Tag Manager code/script insertion
  • You can also insert code to your website body section
    Can add Bing webmaster tool code for website verification
    Add Google AdSense code

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